Leveraging sustainable solutions to fight poverty, provide food and educate the underprivileged.

Our Vision

To leave a sustainable world where everyone has access to food, education and prosperity.

Our Mission

To feed, educate, fight poverty and advance humanity through sustainable initiatives.

38 Seriki Aro Street, Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria
Respect & Compassion

What we do

Our community outreach aims to locate people in desperate need of basic amenities living in neglected areas of the society and providing them with those needs. With our outreach, we have provided food, housing and education to the needy in various locations. We ultimately aim to use this medium to end hunger and poverty in our society.

We recognise that education is a critical component of poverty eradication and societal prosperity. Unfortunately, too many children and youths do not have access to adequate education due to financial constraints. As a result of this, we developed the back to school program, which is aimed at ensuring that as many children as we can find are enrolled into schools and given the necessary education. We have taken on the responsibility of finding underprivileged children all over who are out of school, enrolling them into school and providing them with their basic needs.
Sustainability remains a major pillar of the Marvgallup Charitable Foundation, and we are constantly looking for new ways to incorporate it into our activities and initiatives. Along these lines, we’ve devised a scheme in which recyclable trash, such as plastics and glass bottles, is exchanged for cash or food rewards. We have partnered with recycling companies in Nigeria to ensure that this initiative is carried out effectively. This will aid in reducing the amount of waste littered throughout the environment while also addressing hunger and poverty.

She’s a Powerhouse is a mobile application dedicated to empowering and celebrating women of all ages and backgrounds. We understand that there is a stress and mental health epidemic going on in today’s society, SAPH also aims to raise mental health awareness among women, as well as provide them with the tools needed to overcome these issues. Fundamentally, the goal of SAPS is to help women grow, achieve their goals and become the best version of themselves.

We have carried out outreaches aimed at hunger and poverty eradication.

We desire to cater for the basic needs of those in disadvantaged positions, and we are wholly committed to our pledged service to humanity. With the help of our donors and partners, we have carried out outreaches aimed at hunger and poverty eradication. We have also brought about other initiatives such as our “Back to School” scheme, a program that is aimed at keeping underprivileged children in school by catering for their essential needs such as school fees, uniforms, textbooks, etc.
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Past Outreaches